Auto Recycling and Tree Planting Together
We are proud to support a fantastic local charity, 10000trees and will plant a tree for every vehicle we acquire through our various vehicle acquisition programs. CarTree.ca is a way to keep our friends, customers and the general community informed about all the great projects and events we have planned.
Featured Projects
Sell or Donate your Vehicle! Get Cash for your Old Car!
You can choose to donate the value of the vehicle to a charity of your choice or get a cash payment. Either way we will plant a tree for you or for someone you designate.

Ways You Can Make a Difference
We all know how important it is to tackle climate change now, before it is too late! Reducing and/or offsetting your carbon footprint is a great way to help!
Reducing waste is the perfect way to help keep the planet green! Don’t wait, start now!
Reusing consumer products can make a huge difference! With auto recycling we resell used parts so they can live on!
Recycling is another way to really help! Automotive recycling is one of the original green industries!
Supporting a local charity like 10,000 Trees is the perfect way to show how much you care and make a difference in your community.